A deeper dive into my Internship Experience

Manuj Bahety
2 min readNov 28, 2022

I’ve been interning at Glue Labs for almost 8 months, as a Frontend Engineering Intern working in the Glue team.

Glue Labs Logo

The journey has been one of the best experiences of my life, full of learnings and ups and downs. I’d like to use this blog to share my experience and insights into what makes Glue Labs one of the best startups to work with.

When I first started, I was just a scared guy, watching all these highly productive and experienced developers perform like Usain Bolt when it came to shipping codes. All I could hear were terms I didn’t understand (PRs, web servers, Release pipeline, tickets, and so on), and I was completely baffled. My first mistake was attempting to do everything flawlessly. I wanted everything to be perfect — no bugs, no incorrectly named variables — despite not having the experience to actually do it.

I was hesitant to ask my team for assistance with the most basic of issues I was experiencing. My teammates gradually sensed my hesitation and assisted me. I consider myself very fortunate to have had such amazing people around me who understood what I was going through and taught me that it is OK to not know everything, to be wrong, and to seek help, as this is all part of the learning process.

You will never know your limits until you push yourself to them.

I started as a Front-End Intern at GlueLabs to work on ReactJS but ended up working on NextJs and Typescript Frameworks and later contributed to some of the more complex APIs written at Glue during platform upgrades. I ventured into UI/UX with the designers, usually brainstorming with them whenever the design of a new feature was discussed. I hung out with the Backend Engineers, solving some issues together, learning tricks, and quietly understanding how to do things. Also attempted to touch the product side; experimenting with new things was a lot of fun and kept the wheel turning.

What I’ve learned

I’m going to talk about both technical and non-technical things I learned during my 8-month internship.
1. New Technologies- Next.js, Material UI, Tailwind CSS, react-hook-form, etc.
2. Reading a pre-written codebase saves time.
3. Write better & clean code.
4. Work on large-scale applications.
5. Explored several new libraries and frameworks.
6. Work on a full-stack application.
7. How to be a Team Player.

My Thoughts on Glue Labs

GlueLabs is a place where people are enthusiastic about their work and strive to be the best in their field. The work pressure and individual load, the work culture, and the independence at Gluelabs are some aspects I appreciate the most. The hardworking team at Glue fosters an environment in which employees are encouraged to give their all.

